
Third Kashima Shin Ryu seminar for advanced people Third Kashima Shin Ryu seminar for advanced people

Third Kashima Shin Ryu seminar, directed by Andrzej Bazylko sensei, was organised on 27 January 2018. Third series of kata kenjutsu ai shin kumi tachi, composed of five kata

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Andrzej Bazylko sensei at Anshin Dojo Aikido in Łódź Andrzej Bazylko sensei at Anshin Dojo Aikido in Łódź

Andrzej Bazylko (5th dan) sensei conducted another seminar in Łódź on 9-10 December 2017. He visited Marcin Wisniewski's Anshin Dojo Aikido club for the first time

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Another Kashima Shin Ryu kenjutsu seminar Another Kashima Shin Ryu kenjutsu seminar

On November 25, 2017, another seminar of Kashima Shin Ryu kenjutsu, led by Andrzej Bazylko (chuden) sensei, was held for instructors and future instructors.

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New gym in Sulejówek New gym in Sulejówek

Trainings in Sulejowek in September and October will be conducted in the gym of the Group of Upper Secondary Schools. We begin on the 5 September 2017.

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We are moving to new dojo in Warsaw We are moving to new dojo in Warsaw

Since the beginning of September trainings in Warsaw will be conducted in the gym of Elementary School nr 32 (former Junior High School nr 37). We begin on the 8 September 2017.

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Camp in Świeradów Zdrój – July 2017 Camp in Świeradów Zdrój – July 2017

Aikido and kenjutsu camp was held in Świeradów Zdrój in Izery Mountains on 23-31 July 2017. Program included basic aikido techniques, applications, tanto dori (defence against knife attack)

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The following seminar of Andrzej Bazylko (5 dan) sensei in Łódź The following seminar of Andrzej Bazylko (5 dan) sensei in Łódź

Sensei Andrzej Bazylko (5 dan) directed on the 10-11 June 2017 the following seminar in Łódź. Participants of the seminar worked on the control of the center of gravity and effectiveness of attack.

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Seminar with Minoru Inaba sensei in Bad Saarow 26 may 2017 Seminar with Minoru Inaba sensei in Bad Saarow 26 may 2017

Andrzej Bazylko sensei had the honor to participate on the 20 – 23 May 2017 in the seminar directed in Bad Saarow, Germany by Minoru Inaba sensei – master of Kashima Shin Ryu

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VII nationwide Kashima Shin Ryu seminar VII nationwide Kashima Shin Ryu seminar

VII nationwide Kashima Shin Ryu seminar, directed by Andrzej Bazylko (5 dan aikido, chuden Kashima Shin Ryu) and Adam Radecki (4 dan aikido, chuden Kashima Shin Ryu)

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Pascal Durchon in Warsaw for the 30-th time Pascal Durchon in Warsaw for the 30-th time

We had an occasion to host Pascal Durchon (6 dan) for the 30-th time on the 11 March 2017. We practised basic forms of kumijo this time in reaction to attack choku tsuki.

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Justyna Waśniewska – 2 dan, Piotr Ożdziński – 3 dan Justyna Waśniewska – 2 dan, Piotr Ożdziński – 3 dan

Great congratulations to Justyna! Sometimes you have to overcome a lot of adversities, if you want to achieve something, but success after many troubles is more pleasant.

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Kashima Shin Ryu sojutsu seminar Kashima Shin Ryu sojutsu seminar

The first Kashima Shin Ryu sojutsu seminar, directed by Andrzej Bazylko sensei, designed for advanced kenjutsu students, was held on the 17 December 2016

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