Sensei Andrzej Bazylko had the honor to participate in the second edition of the instructors seminar directed by Minoru Inaba sensei – master of Kashima Shin Ryu , which was held on the 21 – 31 March 2014 in Kita Shiga, Japan. We learned forms of sojutsu – techniques performed with yari and perfected forms of Batto Jutsu. We had a unique opportunity to learn the secrets of the art of Norihiro Miyairi sensei – great swordsmith, considered a national treasure of Japan, honored with the most prestigious award for swordsmiths – Masamune prize for the outstanding contribution to the art of swordsmithing in Japan. We participated in Budo demonstration at Shiseikan, organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the death of Empress Shoken.