Aikido Andrzej Bazylko
Aikido Andrzej Bazylko Warszawa - efektywne nauczanie aikido, skuteczna samoobrona, aikido dla dzieci, aikido dla młodzieży, nauczanie aikido dzieci młodzieży i dorosłych, skuteczna obrona przed każdym rodzajem ataku

Sensei Andrzej Bazylko – 6 dan

On January 13, 2019, during the ceremony of Kagami Biraki, Andrzej Bazylko sensei was nominated by Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba on 6th dan. The value of the grade is measured by the quality of the meetings that stand behind it, friendship, common work and sharing experience, when all the teacher, the co-practitioners and the students give inspiration and motivation for development. Congratulations to sensei and thanks to all those who have been supporting him for years!