Aikido Andrzej Bazylko
Aikido Andrzej Bazylko Warszawa - efektywne nauczanie aikido, skuteczna samoobrona, aikido dla dzieci, aikido dla młodzieży, nauczanie aikido dzieci młodzieży i dorosłych, skuteczna obrona przed każdym rodzajem ataku

Another visit of Pascal Durchon sensei in Warsaw

Pascal Durchon (6 dan) sensei visited us again on April 21, 2018 and led the aikido and kenjutsu seminar. During the training of the Japanese sword, we focused on meeting with the opponent, maintaining contact and putting pressure on him. It is not always possible to win at the first moment, although one effective cut is the best solution. Cuts meet and connect. When an attacker attempts to take the initiative, you can try to keep in touch and take control. This is what happens in kata sokui zuke. On the other hand, in kata maki tachi oikiomi, the defending person exerts pressure on the attacker through a violent move forward, which allows him to emerge victorious. During aikido training we learned how to make decisions at the moment of the meeting and we practiced the intensity without aggression. The seminar ended with exams for the dan grades. Marcin Wiśniewski – the leader of the Anshin Dojo Aikido club passed on the 3rd dan, and Justyna Ożdzińska from the Krakow Aikido Onshin Club – on the 2nd dan. Congratulations!